
Events - Thursday
19 Sep 06:00 PM


place Wainfleet Fall Fair expand_more
Chairperson arrow_forward_ios Diane Chase

Come help us celebrate, better yet participate in our Annual Fair Parade!

Parade entries will line up at 5:00 pm.  There will be a contest for the favourite parade entry so start planning your parade entry now!  The theme of the parade will be “Honey Bees & Maple Trees”.  The parade will start on Side Road 20, north to Sugarloaf, east on Sugarloaf to Park and end at the Marshville Public School parking lot

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Rules for Parade Entries

  • All parade entries must have their own automobile insurance which permits them to be on a highway
  • Parade entries will be decorated in a way that represents the Wainfleet Fall Fair Theme ”Honey Bees & Maple Trees”
  • Equestrian units must provide their own clean up units which will follow immediately behind the horses
  • If the entry will be handing out items/candy, they must be accompanied by at least 4 people walking (2 on each side of the road) that will walk along the side of the road to hand out items/candy. Items/candy shall not be thrown from the parade entry
  • All entries and participants must be respectful, non-partisan, neat, clean, organized and well mannered at all times before, after and during the parade
  • All entries shall provide a written description about their entry to be used by parade M.C.

Please contact Parade Chair Diane Chase at 905-932-4475 or if you have any questions or need additional information

[su_button url="" background="#2F0E0E" size="8" radius="5"]Apply Now[/su_button]