Wainfleet's Got Talent

Update: Registration ends on midnight Wednesday, September 18th.
Any and all types of talent are welcome, not just singing. This would include music groups, dance troupes, magicians, jugglers, drama, funny skits, etc
Vocalists are not allowed to sing along with lyrics on a track. Bands/musicians must play each instrument live. No background music or recordings allowed.
Each act is required to be present and check in by 1:00 p.m. on September 21st, 2024. Each act must report in front of stage three acts before their performance. All acts must be present for the awards presentation.
Wainfleet Has Talent is a family friendly event. No acts will be allowed to perform wearing any clothing with themes considered inappropriate. When selecting your routine, please keep in mind that this is a public performance in front of a variety of people. No offensive language or gestures will be allowed in your performance. Points will be deducted or an act will be disqualified for the use of offensive language or gestures.
Contest Rules
All talent show entries must be a Wainfleet resident. There will be a review process to consider entries that do not meet this requirement.
Professional entertainers are not eligible to be in the talent show.
A $10.00 entry fee for each participant is required with registration. Groups entry fee is $10. ($5.00 for each additional act member after 5 members) is due with the entry form.
Age Categories
Junior Level: Ages 5-15 Entries can be 15 years of age or younger on the day of the competition.
Senior Level: Ages 16 and over. Entries cannot be under 16 years of age on the day of the competition.
Scoring and Judging
Each act will be scored by a panel of three judges, (each judging independently) with a 1 through 10 score awarded in each of the four categories, with 10 being the highest score. The judges’ decision will be final.
Any ties will be decided by a consensus of the judges for the clear winner. Awards will be presented at the end of the event. Grand Prize winning entries in each age category are awarded the opportunity to perform at next years fair. Each act will be judged on the following:
- Originality: Uniqueness of the act, new ideas, adds signature to performance
- Showmanship: Entertainment value, ability to entertain and engage crowd
- Overall Performance: Technique, creativity
- Stage Presence: Energy, confidence, passion of performer
1st Place: $150 will be awarded to the highest score in each age category.
2nd Place: $75 will be awarded to the act with the 2nd highest score in each age category
3rd Place: $25 will be awarded to the act with the 3rd highest score in each age category.
With the exception of vocal microphones, performers are required to supply ALL equipment and props needed for their performance. No piano will be provided. Any act requiring recorded music must bring to the event. Either by CD or digital music player. The event organizer will provide your music to the sound technician. [su_highlight background="#69140e9f" color="#ffffff"]Please have a backup copy of the music with you on the day of the competition[/su_highlight]. Set up time between acts will be limited to 3 minutes without prior approval for an extended time from the event organizer. A stage manager will be available between each act for assistance.
When all entries have been received and processed the order of performance will be determined for each age category. All performer/performers will be notified of their approximate performance time via phone or email.
Acts must observe a five (5) minute performance time limit. Acts running longer than the allowable time limit will be subject to disqualification.
Other Rules
All participants are required to be courteous and respectful toward all other participating acts. Participants who fail to respect the other acts performances will be subject to point deductions and/or disqualification. Wainfleet’s Got Talent organizers are not responsible for any damaged, lost, stolen, misplaced, or forgotten items and/or any and all injuries caused before, during, or after performances. The Wainfleet Fair Board members shall not be held responsible for the negligent, careless, and/or reckless actions of any act members and crew. Furthermore, acts and crew shall be held directly responsible for any damage to the stage area and/or equipment and personal property of the Wainfleet Fairgrounds or any equipment provided to them. Rules and regulations are subject to change at any time before or during this event. Event organizers reserve the right to cancel this event at any time for any reason. In the event of a cancellation, all entry fees paid will be refunded in full. [su_highlight background="#69140e9f" color="#ffffff"]Acts that must withdraw from the competition must inform event organizers by no later than September 7th, 2024. Regretfully the deposit cannot be refunded.[/su_highlight]
For questions or more information, call or text Jim Lambert at 905-401-8941, or e-mail lambert1963@bell.net.
[su_button url="https://wainfleetfallfair.com/event-info?event=3239" style="flat" background="#2F0E0E" size="8" radius="5"]Apply Now[/su_button]